The Raj Kapoor Film Festival started in Mumbai on Friday. The festival is being organised to celebrate Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary. The Kapoor family is honouring the late actor-filmmaker's legacy by hosting a film festival which will play some of his biggest films.

At the opening night , Raj Kapoor’s granddaughter, actor Kareena Kapoor , turned heads in an ethnic look by Pakistani designer, Iqbal Hussain. Also read | Kareena Kapoor redefines glam in a black and golden embellished saree. Pics inside Take a closer look Kareena Kapoor's elegant look Despite her love for dramatic red carpet ensemble, Kareena’s go-to for smaller special occasions seems to be the versatile kurta set.

Remember her recent showstopping purple gown from Red Sea International Film Festival 2024? However, off late, Kareena seems to have developed a preference for comfortable, classic Indian pieces. Who can get over her red hand-painted floral kurta set from Devnaagri, worth ₹ 36500, as she and the Kapoor clan met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi recently. Kareena's latest Indian wear pick once again spotlights her love for comfortable silhouettes.

Take a closer look at her Iqbal Hussain outfit, which she paired with understated makeup and hair and extravagant layered necklaces: A post shared by EatTweetBlog (@eattweetblog) A post shared by IQBAL HUSSAIN (@iqbalhussainofficial) What Kareena wore and how much it costs Kareena is more than comfortable upping the glam quotient in tradi.