Kareena Kapoor dazzled at the Tira store launch in Mumbai on November 13 as its brand ambassador. Accompanied by fellow ambassadors Suhana Khan and Kiara Advani, Kareena stole the spotlight in a stunning black vintage Yves Saint Laurent dress from Tom Ford's 2002 collection. Her timeless elegance and poise perfectly embodied the brand's essence, making her the undeniable showstopper of the evening.

Kareena Kapoor Khan channelised vintage chic in Tom Ford's 2002 Yves Saint Laurent masterpiece. While sharing the pictures on her Instagram, the actress captioned "Date night in vintage Yves Saint Laurent 2002, by Tom Ford," which sent netizens into a frenzy. Her timeless elegance and poise perfectly complemented the classic design, showcasing her mastery of vintage dressing.

The black ensemble's intricate details and sophisticated silhouette highlighted Kareena's sophistication while cementing her status as a true fashion icon of B-town. Fans and followers couldn't help but gush over her breathtaking look, praising her impeccable style and flair. A post shared by Kareena Kapoor Khan (@kareenakapoorkhan) Kareena Kapoor: Look Decoded Bebo's stunning ensemble featured a deep-plunging, off-shoulder silk jacket with matching buttons and ribbon ties.

She paired it with a black itted knee-length skirt. Further, she completed her look with black net stockings and shiny black pumps. Her confident demeanour perfectly complemented the antique design of the outfit.

The diva adorned herself wi.