In a recent interview, actor Karan Singh Grover opened up about his daughter, Devi. The actor discussed the difficult times he and his family went through during her daughter’s open heart surgery. When asked whether the actor has faced any adverse problems in his life in which he came out as a winner, Karan replied, “Something or the other keeps happening.

I am very lucky that nothing very bad happened in my life. But there was a time when we faced a very big problem with our daughter. That time was very difficult for us.

My daughter had a serious health problem, and what she suffered during that time is hard to describe in words.” A post shared by karan singh grover (@iamksgofficial) He further added, “My daughter is a true fighter. She has a long scar on her chest that goes till her stomach.

Whatever we think and achieve in our lives is nothing compared to her. Whatever she and her mother (Bipasha Basu) have gone through, it cannot be compared. Nothing like this has happened in my life, I am very lucky.

My daughter has proved that she is a true fighter.” Bipasha Basu had aslo spoken about Devi’s diagnosis in a chat with fellow actor Neha Dhupia in 2023, she said, “Karan was a mess, and I had to even throw him out of the ICU sometimes. When I saw her in the ICU first time with all the monitors and a dressing bandage in the middle of her chest, she was lying there as a hero.

Devi is our brave heart and very powerful,” she said through tears. A post shared by k.