Filmmaker Karan Johar shared a heartwarming glimpse into his family life on Raksha Bandhan. The director posted a delightful video showcasing the adorable antics of his twins, Yash and Roohi, as they participated in the traditional Rakhi ceremony. Karan Johar’s twins Yash and Roohi are every brother-sister duo ever on Raksha Bandhan, watch A Playful Rakhi Ritual The video captures the essence of sibling rivalry as Yash playfully tries to escape Roohi's attempts to tie the Rakhi on his wrist.

Karan's amused yet firm voice in the background adds to the charm of the video. The presence of their grandmother, Hiroo Johar, watching over the siblings with a warm smile completes the picture-perfect family moment. Johar's caption humorously encapsulates the chaos and love that filled the room during the Rakhi celebration.

He wrote, “Rakhee love !!!! It’s always a process to get the tradition of this beautiful festival of love accurately on point! The mothership contributed and the son was in a tearing hurry to go nowhere! The daughter was dutifully doing her best and I was trying to be the master of ceremonies with not much success!!! Happy Raksha Bandhan to all!!! Take care of each other and spread the joy.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Karan Johar (@karanjohar) The post has garnered immense love and appreciation from fans, who found the video to be an endearing portrayal of family life. Karan Johar's Recent Success Apart from his personal life, Karan Johar re.