Filmmaker Karan Johar, who is a close friend of Shah Rukh Khan, said that audiences are not willing to watch the megastar in an avatar, which is not romantically inclined. Sharing examples of films like Paheli and Asoka, the filmmaker said that despite having a subtle touch of romance, these SRK films failed to do well at the box office. “It’s not that Shah Rukh didn’t try.

He did Paheli, Asoka. Shah Rukh comes from the mindset to do different things and to make a difference. When he started he worked with Kundan Shah, Ketan Mehta, Mani Kaul.

He never wanted to be the mainstream guy but then Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge wanted to be that quirky, mainstream star who would change the cinema. Now no one will allow it. When say Shah Rukh Khan now, the names comes with an expectation.

He might play a mellow character in the future, I hope he does, but there is an expectation that comes with him and it won’t allow a certain kind of film to be made and it is sad because he is an actor first and a star after that. He began in theatre,” Karan Johar said while talking to The Hollywood Reporter India. The filmmaker showered praises on Aamir Khan and called him the ‘gamechanger of Bollywood’.

“I think Aamir would do. Lagaan is one of those films that will go down in Hindi cinema’s history. In that same year there was Gadar, Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham and Dil Chahta Hai , so that year was very iconic for Hindi cinema.

There was Chandni Bar as well. But the business was Gada.