Kapil Sharma’s Netflix comedy series, The Great Indian Kapil Show (TGIKS), has been renewed for another season. Ahead of the premiere episode, scheduled for September 21, the streaming platform released an interesting video. The clip posted on their official Instagram page gives a sneak peek of some fun banter between the show’s host Kapil Sharma and his first set of guests.

On Thursday, Netflix India posted a video featuring Jigra stars Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina, the film’s director Vasan Bala and producer Karan Johar. At the beginning of the video, Kapil, in his usual humorous ways, asked KJo, “You are looking handsome, Karan sir. Can you tell me one thing? Now you are on my show, so when am I coming to your film?” The filmmaker-turned-producer replied with, “For that, you need Jigra! Jigra!” The comedian tickled everyone’s funny bones when he said, “Now, should I open my chest and show the Jigra? ” This made KJo lightheartedly poke at him by saying, “We don’t have so much of Jigra to see you shirtless.

” Meanwhile, Jigra’s director chipped in and said, “Asli Jigra,” which would be when Kapil would let Alia tie a rakhi to him. The comedian added, “Bala sir, I don’t have so much of Jigra!” Then, the host and the guests indulged in some more fun banter. Sharing the video, Netflix India wrote, “Funnyvaar isn’t far kyunki 2x fun lekar aa rahe Jigra ke stars! Get ready to watch the first episode of #TheGreatIndianKapilShow Season 2, thi.