Following a potential clash with the release of Rajinikanth’s upcoming film Vettaiyan, Suriya’s fantasy thriller Kanguva has now rumoured to have a new release date. Published: August 26, 2024 2:08 PM IST By Edited by Tamil actor Suriya sent ripples through the industry when the release date for his next film, Kanguva, was announced for October 10. Intriguingly, this coincides with the release of another highly anticipated film, Rajinikanth’s Vettaiyan, sparking speculation about a head-on clash between these two powerhouses.

However, in a seemingly strategic move, it has now been revealed that Suriya might push back his film’s release date. It’s been buzzing around in numerous media circles that the release date for Suriya’s film, Kanguva, might be pushed back. Though, as of now, the film team has yet to confirm any changes officially.

Rumor has it, they are contemplating releasing the movie on this year’s Diwali, which falls on October 31, 2024. Lyca Productions caught everyone off-guard by revealing the release date of Rajinikanth’s much-awaited movie, Vettaiyan, to be August 19, 2024. It is rumoured that the release date of Vettaiyan had been decided way ahead of time.

Target locked 🎯 VETTAIYAN 🕶️ is set to hunt in cinemas worldwide from OCTOBER 10th, 2024! 🗓️ Superstar 🌟 as Supercop! 🦅 Releasing in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi & Kannada! 🕶️ ...

— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) In the world of the film industry, it’s pretty fascina.