Kangana Ranaut spoke out at the News18 India Chaupal event in New Delhi on Monday, accusing actors who endorse tobacco of harming the country. Kangana criticised Bollywood actors for their actions, alleging that they are usually the first to backstab their own country. Kangana Ranaut slams Bollywood stars for betraying the nation and endorsing tobacco; says, “They backstab our nation in return for money” Kangana Ranaut said, “Bollywood has ruined our nation.

They should take onus for it. These actors show off their net worth but then endorse tobacco. What was their compulsion that they ended up chewing on the screen? These people stand together when it comes to anti-national agenda.

They backstab our nation in return for money. They charge Rs 10 lakh, Rs 5 lakh or so for posting (Instagram) stories or on Twitter.” Kangana also questioned Bollywood producers for portraying villains as heroes in their films and said, “The kind of films they are making, Nayak has become the Khalnayak now.

Their heroes are goons, they chase and tease women, and rape them. They do not stand for their culture. Such are their heroes.

” When challenged about calling Ranbir Kapoor a'serial skirt chaser', Kangana stopped the host and stated, “You are arguing for them as if they are some saints.” Kangana also addressed the controversy surrounding her upcoming film, Emergency , arguing that only a few individuals are opposed to it. She challenged those who support Bhindranwale, firmly asse.