Indian actor Shreyas Talpade believes makers of Allu Arjun’s ‘Pushpa’ series should cast BJP MP Kangana Ranaut for the lead role in the third film. To Read Lifestyle Stories in Urdu- Click Here At the trailer launch event of Kangana Ranaut’s debut solo directorial ‘Emergency’ , actor Shreyas Talpade, who essays former Indian PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee in the political thriller about Indira Gandhi, shared why he thinks the actor-turned-politician would be the perfect choice to lead ‘Pushpa 3’ . Speaking about Ranaut’s dedication to the script of the film, the ‘Om Shanti Om’ actor said, “When Kangana approached me for the role of Atal ji, I didn’t know how to react.

I was confused and terrified, I was like ‘What did she just ask me to do?’ Should I take it up or just leave it? Not because she is boycotted in the industry, but due to nervousness.” “This one time, I was rehearsing for a scene in the film. And it went quite well.

But, during the take, I tried to put something extra from my side, but she came and whispered in my ear. She said, ‘Whatever you practised during the rehearsals, kindly stick to that’,” he added. Also Read: ‘I want to direct a film with all three Khans,’ says Kangana Ranaut Further commending the ‘Queen’ actor for her multi-tasking skills, Talpade joked that she would be an apt choice to lead Arjun’s crime franchise in the third instalment.

He said, “The way she multi-tasks, if tomorrow they make the third .