Recently, actress and politician Kangana Ranaut, in a new interview, drew comparisons between herself and Shah Rukh Khan. Ranaut also spoke about why she called Khan “the last of the stars.” While appearing on Raj Shamani’s podcast, Ranaut said that both she and Khan are outsiders and didn’t initially belong to the Hindi film industry.

However, Ranaut said that while Khan came from Delhi, she came from a small village in the mountains and, therefore, her journey was ‘more difficult.’ A post shared by Kangana Ranaut (@kanganaranaut) Speaking about the same, Ranaut said, “Me and Shah Rukh Khan are two outsiders. Shah Rukh Khan comes from Delhi, he’s not from the film industry.

He became the topmost star. I come from the mountains. His mother was a magistrate.

He comes from a family who could speak good English, he comes from a convent. To come from Delhi itself to Mumbai, this is not much of a difference. I come from a village.

I'm a girl, and I came as a teenager. My journey is more difficult. Having said that, he also didn’t have parents, so I draw parallels like that.

That’s about it.” Talking about the new generation of stars, Ranaut said, “In the new generation, I don't think anyone has become a star. The stars are from our generation.

No new actor has been able to become a star, though they are trying a lot. In our times, too, it had decreased. We also didn’t enjoy stardom like Sridevi and Madhuri Dixit.

” A post shared by Locarno Film Festival .