Kangana Ranaut, who recently participated in a news show panel, was questioned about veteran actor and Rajya Sabha MP Jaya Bachchan. In an unusual move, Kangana complimented Jaya, describing her as one of the most dignified actresses in the industry. This praise comes shortly after Kangana had criticized Jaya for objecting to being referred to as 'Jaya Amitabh Bachchan' in the Rajya Sabha.

Kangana Ranaut praises Jaya Bachchan as one of the most dignified women in Bollywood; says, “I feel very good that there is such good representation from the film industry” At the News 18 event, Kangana was asked for her thoughts on Jaya, and the Emergency actress responded and said, “Jaya Bachchan is one of our most successful actors. Honestly, she is known for her short temper but honestly at the same time, I would like to give her the acknowledgement and due credit that in those times..

. Can you imagine what times were the 70s and in those times, she did films like Guddi, she gave the message of women empowerment. I think she is one of the most dignified women in the film industry.

The way she carries herself in the Rajya Sabha...

..I feel very good that there is such good representation from the film industry.

” Kangana added, “Jaya Bachchan is one of those rare actresses who has brought dignity to her craft.” When asked about the war of words they had in 2020 when Jaya criticised Ravi Kishan and Kangana Ranaut’s remarks about drugs in Bollywood, Kangana said, “If we say s.