In August, Kangana Ranaut said she was ‘probably the most imitated actor in the world of mimicry’ during an interview. Recently a video of the Pakistani show, Showtime With Ramiz Raja, grabbed attention on social media. In it Pakistani actor Ukasha Gul mimicked the BJP leader and actor to perfection, even copying her look, leaving former cricketer Ramiz Raja as well as his co-host Hina Niazi in splits.

Also read | Kangana Ranaut praises Javed Akhtar's remark on 26/11 Mumbai attacks during Pakistan event: 'Ghar mein ghus ke mara' ‘The comedian is hilarious’ In the video, the Pakistani actor – dressed in a black saree and a pink blouse – also imitated Kangana's curly hairstyle as she performs on stage. At one point, while doing an impression of Kangana, Ukasha joked, "I have seen two kinds of gents in my life—married gents and detergents. Both are equally good at cleaning clothes.

" Reacting to the video shared by the makers on YouTube in August, a person wrote, "The comedian is hilarious." Another said, "Stellar she is..

. how beautifully she changed her voice." A comment also read, "Now you are viral on Indian social media.

" A snippet of the video was also shared on Instagram with the caption, “She's doing so good...

” A post shared by Sarcaxmic (@sarcaxmic) Kangana Ranaut on mimicry artists imitating her Recently, Kangana, who is awaiting the release of her upcoming political drama Emergency, which she has also directed, had said that she doesn't get offended .