Kangana Ranaut extended a surprising invitation to Priyanka Gandhi to watch her upcoming film Emergency. The actress’s gesture has sparked curiosity, and Priyanka’s response adds an intriguing layer to this unexpected exchange. Scroll down to read her response! New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut is pulling out all the stops to promote her much-anticipated political drama, Emergency .

In a candid chat with IANS, the actress revealed that she personally invited Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra to watch the film, which is based on the 21-month Emergency period declared by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi between 1975 and 1977. Kangana shared details of their interaction, saying, “I met Priyanka Gandhi in Parliament. The first thing I told her was, ‘You should watch Emergency .

’ She was very gracious and said, ‘Yeah, maybe.’” Kangana added that she hopes the film strikes a chord with everyone. Kangana Ranaut on playing Indira Gandhi Kangana, 38, plays the late Prime Minister in the film and further highlighted that her portrayal is both sensitive and respectful.

“When I researched Indira Gandhi, I found there was so much focus on her personal life—her relationships, controversial friendships, and sensational stories,” she explained. However, the Manikarika star chose a different approach. “There’s so much more to her as a person.

Especially for women, narratives often reduce them to their relationships with men. I’ve portrayed her with dignity and sensi.