Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, eagerly awaiting the release of her upcoming movie Emergency, recently took a moment to reflect on her younger self by sharing a video from the music launch of her 2006 film Woh Lamhe. The actress opened up about her insecurities at the time and urged women to embrace their natural beauty and self-worth. Kangana took to her X account (formerly Twitter) to share an empowering message for women struggling with low self-esteem.

She candidly wrote, “This is a video from my second film Woh Lamhe music launch. I was just a teenager and, like many young women, I disliked everything about my appearance. It’s common for young women to feel unsure of their looks, making them more vulnerable and uncertain.

” Reflecting on her growth, she added, “Looking back now, I realize I didn’t appreciate not just my appearance, but the vitality and energy I had during that time. Today is the youngest you will ever be. Every stage of life has its own beauty.

Even if you can’t see it in the mirror, trust that one day you will look back and recognize it. Be kind to yourself and trust that you are beautiful.” Kangana made her Bollywood debut with Gangster alongside Emraan Hashmi and Shiney Ahuja, earning her critical acclaim.

On the professional front, the actress is gearing up for her second directorial venture, Emergency, in which she portrays former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Set in the politically charged 1970s, the film chronicles the period.