Actor-politician Kangana Ranaut and filmmaker Hansal Mehta have praised Shraddha Kapoor and RajKummar Rao's horror-comedy Stree 2. Taking to their respective social media platforms, they lauded Amar Kaushik, the director of the film as well as the cast members. Kangana said that in India not ‘enough credit or appreciation’ is given to directors.

Hansal called the film ‘a triumph for Indian mainstream cinema’. (Also Read | Stree 2 box office collection day 2: Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao horror-comedy makes ₹ 90.30 crore on first Friday ) Kangana heaps praises on Stree 2 On Instagram Stories, Kangana Ranaut wrote, "Movie Stree has shattered all records, congratulations to the entire team, but the real hero of a film is the director.

In India, we don’t give enough credit or appreciation to directors that’s why not many youngsters want to be writers/directors. Everyone who wants a career in films meets me for guidance, wants to be either an actor or a superstar. Who will make movies if all become actors! Socho! (Think).

” She added, “So please learn the names of all good directors, who do so much to entertain and engage you and please follow them also. Learn about their lives and process as well. Please appreciate them and encourage them too.

“Dear @amarkaushik sir, thank you for this much-needed all-time blockbuster.” Hansal calls Stree 2 ‘talent vehicle’ Sharing a poster of the film, Hansal Mehta tweeted, "When you celebrate the success of Stree 2 re.