Days after the release of her much-anticipated film Emergency was postponed, actor and filmmaker Kangana Ranaut made headlines by selling her Rs 32 crores office in Mumbai. The property, located in the upscale Pali Hill area of Bandra, had served as the headquarters of her production house, Manikarnika Films, since 2019. In an interview with News18, Kangana candidly explained the reasons behind this difficult decision.

Kangana Ranaut BREAKS SILENCE on selling Mumbai office for Rs 32 crores amid Emergency delay: “That’s what properties are for – for times of crisis” Kangana Ranaut's Financial Struggles Post Emergency Delay In her interview, Kangana revealed the financial pressure caused by the delayed release of Emergency . "Naturally, my film was supposed to release. I put all my personal property on it.

Now that it's not released, so anyway, that's what properties are for – for times of crisis," Kangana shared, reflecting on the financial reality she faced. Having purchased the property for Rs 20 crore in 2017, the sale marked a significant moment for the actor, who had transformed the bungalow into a creative hub for her film ventures. Kangana added that while she felt entitled to compensation for the partial demolition of the office by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) due to alleged structural violations, she chose not to pursue it.

"It’s taxpayers’ money, so I gave up on that," she said. For the unversed, originally slated to release on September.