New Delhi, Aug 30: Actress Kangana Ranaut, who was elected as the Lok Sabha MP from Mandi constituency in June 2024, minces no words when she says she finds being a parliamentarian as daunting and that she needs to up her game. “Being a parliamentarian is just too daunting. It's just way too daunting.

I fall short of for that job (sic). I think that I need to be more. I should be more.

There's no end to it. There's no end to how much one can give. There are so many people and there is so much to do,” Kangana said.

“And, like, I always complain about that, I'm a parliamentarian from Mandi. But, I get calls from all states. You know, all, all kinds of problems and, At times I address, and then I'm like, is it even my job.

That I'm getting from. All across the country? So, what is the extent, till you can give, and you can do?” Talking about natural calamities, she said: “ And especially, When there are natural calamities, and you just find yourself, just being, a little speck in the cosmos. You're not even a speck, like, you're non-existent, like, you don't even exist, you're a bubble to be precise,” she said.

“And then you're faced with that sort of existential crisis, why am I in this position of helping people, where I myself am in such a bubble, I have no control over anything.” She shared that being a filmmaker is a “gratifying job”. “Whereas being a filmmaker is a very gratifying job, you feel so good about yourself.

You feel that I did this, You kno.