A moment from actor and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut’s interview with journalist Manak Gupta on the News24 channel is going viral on Twitter. Recently, Ranaut appeared for an interview with Gupta while promoting her upcoming movie, Emergency. Here, she spoke about a variety of topics, including Rahul Gandhi being the incumbent Leader of Opposition (LoP) in the Upper House of the Indian Parliament.

During this interview, Ranaut asked Gupta “On what basis did Rahul Gandhi get this achievement,” referring to his position as LoP. Ranaut asked, “Opposition leader banne ke liye unhone kya teer maara hai? Can you tell me?” When Gupta said Gandhi won 99 seats, Ranaut immediately replied, “Theek hai, agar aapko aise baat karni hai toh phir uska koi jawab ho hi nahi sakta. Today, the opportunity he got, it’s on what basis? Are there no senior leaders in the party (Congress) who expect or deserve this position?” Kangana : What did Rahul Gandhi do to become LoP? Journalist : He won 99 seats which is more than required Kangana : I can't talk if you give such arguments in between 🤣🤣 Most hilarious thing i have seen.

pic.twitter.com/JdB0v3uYF5 — Amock_ (@Amockx2022) August 29, 2024 This would be the best ad for, "Say No To Drugs" campaign.

.😂 Kangana: Why was Rahul Gandhi selected as LoP? What did he achieve? Anchor: 10% seats. Kangana: If you want to speak with logic, then I'm out of it.

pic.twitter.com/W4g28deSHG — Selection Commission Of India (Commentary) (@ECISLEEP.