Kyoto is home to many famous celebrations throughout the year, including the Kameoka Hozugawa Fireworks Festival. With a history of over 70 years, this dazzling display of hanabi (fireworks) will amaze you and the 75,000 other attendees expected to attend. The Kameoka Hozugawa Fireworks Festival has roots in the years after World War II.

With the local community and much of the country rebuilding after the end of the war, the city of Kameoka began this festival. Hoping to promote peace in the aftermath of war and bring the community together, Kameoka citizens founded the festival in 1953. Photo by: PIXTA/terkey Sample the local food as you watch the fireworks! Taking place on the banks of the Hozu River, the festival is nestled amongst the waters and the surrounding mountains.

Japanese fireworks come in a variety of sizes, and each one is given a specific number. The ones typically used at Kameoka have not exceeded the size of No.7.

These tend to explode at a height of about 250 meters and have a diameter of around 200 meters. But, for the 2024 edition, organizers have planned a special treat: No.20 fireworks, one of the largest used in Japan.

In addition to the fireworks exploding overhead, there are plenty of other cultural activities to enjoy. Well over 100 y atai (food stalls) can be found in several areas so you can sample some local delicacies. In an effort to reduce waste, festival organizers will be using reusable tableware.

After finishing your food and drink, please.