McPresident Kamala Harris? While I’m personally lovin’ the sound of that – despite Harris holding a part-time position at McDonald’s during college – I’m sure she’d prefer the title without the prefix. If Harris gets the votes this November, she will become the first US president who has worked behind the McDonald’s counter, but she is far from the only successful person to do so. Pink, Pharrell Williams, Shania Twain and Jay Leno have also worn a fast-food uniform before making it big.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is another, often publicly reflecting on his first job flipping burgers. “You learn a lot as a teenager working at McDonald’s. It’s different from what you learn in school.

Don’t underestimate the value of that,” he said in an interview with Wired . This value, which I like to call the “secret sauce” of working in fast food, has served me well too. Harris could become the first US president who has worked at McDonald’s.

Credit: Bloomberg via Getty Images As someone who donned my red, Colonel Sanders embroidered polo shirt, black slacks and matching cap to work behind the register of my local KFC for over five years through high school and into university, there’s no doubt that the skills I learnt, many mistakes I made and encounters I had – like those with “extra salt Sally”, a slightly aggressive regular who always demanded blood pressure rising levels of salt – set me up for my future working life. As the fast food industry�.