-- Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email With President Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris has become his heir apparent and the near-certain Democratic nominee. Most climate scientists and activists expect that a potential Harris administration would continue Biden's climate policies. Whether that's a good or bad thing, however, is very much up for debate.

Seth Schuster, a spokesperson for the Harris campaign, told Salon that "no one will fight harder to address the climate crisis than Vice President Harris. She’s proud to have delivered the most significant climate legislation in American history with President Biden," a reference to the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Biden and Harris created "hundreds of thousands of new jobs," Schuster continued, "while Donald Trump continues to call climate change a 'hoax' and promises to .

.. ship those jobs overseas.

" Harris would appear to have a strong record on environmental and climate policy, stretching back to the beginning of her political career . As attorney general of California, she investigated Exxon Mobil over allegations it had misled the public and shareholders about the risks of climate change. Harris also secured an $86 million settlement from Volkswagen for cheating on diesel emissions tests and indicted a pipeline company over a 2015 oil spill off the California coast.

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