WASHINGTON — Kamala Harris on Thursday night attended a star-studded campaign event hosted by Oprah Winfrey , who was forced to nudge the vice president to get to the point during a rambling response to a policy question posed by the audience. The two-hour “Unite for America” livestream event from Michigan was meant to highlight the grassroots organizers that are backing Harris and give voters an opportunity to ask her about her platform — but the Democratic presidential nominee didn’t offer any new policy proposals. At one point in the evening, Harris was questioned about what she would do to secure the southern border.

“So it’s a wonderful and important question. I, you know, my background was as a prosecutor, and I was also the elected Attorney General for two terms of the border state. So this is not a theoretical issue for me.

This is something I’ve actually worked on,” Harris began in her three-minute answer that ended with blasting Republicans for not passing the bipartisan border bill. “So to answer Justin’s question,” Winfrey interjected. “Now that that bill is gone and hasn’t passed, will you introduce” the billionaire talk show host asked before Harris cut in.

“Absolutely,” the vice president replied. “When I am elected as president of the United States, I will make sure that bill gets to my desk and I will sign it into law,” Harris said, without offering any new policies on how to solve the crisis at the southern border. The �.