Director Mani Ratnam with Costume designer Amritha Ram.Famed costume designer Amritha Ram has carved a niche for herself in the South film industry, after working with legendary actors like Kamal Haasan and ace director Mani Ratnam. She has also showcased her designing skills in the latest Nag Ashwin blockbuster ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ and is raring to go.

In an exclusive chit chat with Deccan Chronicle, Amritha shares what it takes to work with icons in the film industry. Well, as much as it’s exciting, I wouldn’t say it’s nerve-racking, but you need to be extremely careful about what you do, how you do it, and what you take to them. Of course, when you meet him (Kamal), you cannot talk much; words become very few, and then you just hear what he has to say.

You leave with a hundred questions and blame yourself for not having asked those questions. Especially for a person who talks as much as I do, I was absolutely dumbstruck. So, I didn’t have too much of a brief.

But as a huge fan of Kamal and following his fashion through all the films he has done, what I understood was that he is somebody who’s always open to experimenting with anything, as long as there is a reason behind it and it works for him. Kamal Haasan So what I did was experiment with various looks, from contemporary to modern to classic, for ‘Vishwaroopam’ promotions. Fortunately, it turned out well.

You just need to be very careful because he knows everything. Working with him over the years, I unders.