Monday, November 11, 2024 Delhi’s Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot unveiled two new bus routes in the outer regions of Delhi on Sunday, aimed at providing students from nearby villages with easier access to schools. With the introduction of new routes 892 STL and 892 SPL and an increased frequency on route 716, efforts are underway to enhance public transport accessibility, particularly for those in villages and the outer regions of Delhi. Route 892 SPL is specifically designed to support school-going students and daily commuters in underserved areas, offering a clean, efficient, and eco-friendly travel experience.

The Minister emphasized the government’s commitment to providing a smoother and more dependable commute, aiming to connect communities and simplify daily travel for Delhi residents. Once in operation, Route 892 STL will connect the areas of Nanak Heri, Badu Sarai, Kanganheri, and Chhawla, covering approximately 19 kilometers from Nanak Heri to Dwarka Sector-10. Meanwhile, Route 892 SPL will extend 6.

5 kilometers from Dhoolsiras village to Chhawla School, with two trips scheduled in both the morning and afternoon to align with students’ school timings..