Dhvani Bhanushali, whose debut Bollywood film Kahan Shuru Kahan Khatam is finally out in cinemas. Ahead of her film's release, Dhvani along with the team of KSKK including producer Laxman Utekar, director Saurabh Dasgupta and co-actor Aashim Gulati, joined India TV for an exclusive chat. During her conversation, she not only talked about her film, her co-stars, director but also opened up on various other topics.

One such topic was of the incident, also involving filmmaker Farah Khan, which went viral on social media in 2022. In the viral video, Dhvani and Farah were present at an IIFA Awards event where the singer began singing her popular single 'Vaaste' and after a few seconds the filmmaker put her hand on her back and the singer stopped singing. After the video went viral, Dhvani was heavily trolled on social media.

During the chat with India TV's Aryaman Gautam, Dhvani said, ''I just feel then also I was singing and there are some days when you are not feeling up to it and there are some day where you make mistakes. May be that was the day where I wasn't feeling up to it and she was patting my back because I had a 103. But main ye logo ko jake nahi bata sakti and not everyone is going to be forgiving so the only reason she did it also because she knows I'm talented otherwise kuch hota hi nahi na, woh nhi karti mere sath video phir se.

'' Recalling an incident she added, ''I'll tell you we were in Abu Dhabi or wahan bot dry climate tha and already main sick thi or mere gal.