New Delhi, Aug 20: After chatter about Kabir Khan dropping hints about the Salman Khan starrer “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” sequel started doing the rounds, the filmmaker said that every blockbuster does not need a sequel. He strongly believes a sequel should only be made if a worthy story is found and is worth taking it forward. Asked if he feels that every blockbuster needs a sequel, Kabir said: “Not at all.

I am the first person to say that every blockbuster does not need a sequel. That is why I have not made sequels in my life.” The filmmaker said that he has been told several times to make sequels of his popular films.

“Everytime I have had a successful film, people have said ‘sequel bana lo’. They told me after ‘New York’, 'Tiger', and ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan', but I have never made it. So, I am the first one to say that just because a film is successful, a sequel shouldn’t be made.

” “A sequel should only be made if you truly find a story worthy of taking that story forward.” Kabir said that he never said that he is “working on the ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ sequel.” “All I have said is, Yes, maybe Sometimes a good script comes up that is worthy of becoming a ‘Bajrangi’ sequel.

Then I would love to do it. But not only because it is one of the most successful films in the industry; therefore, it needs a sequel. No,” he shared.

“Bajrangi Bhaijaan,” which was released in 2015, is currently the seventh highest grossing Indian film and fourth highe.