was recently arrested after Driving While Intoxicated, according to police reports. This happened in the back in June and he was sent to have a ride in the back of a police car because he was "unable to properly follow police instructions". Witnesses claim that the singer was seen running a stop sign while behind the wheel of his and after the detention, however he refused to submit to a breathalyzer test and his attorney claimed last month that he was not intoxicated at the time of his arrest.

According to reports from the police, of the situation and how it happened, after very little information on the matter was known for a while. Something that fans and followers were concerned about before anything else was made public by the authorities. Possessions were part of his daily activities The pop star failed a series of field sobriety tests, refused a chemical test and was ultimately arrested.

Reports indicate that it was just before midnight when he was detained by a who allegedly saw him run a stop sign and swerve into the right lane. Now it's known that he was in possession of a that was in his wallet. Along with other belongings, these are the ones there were made public thanks to investigations into the reports filed.

Police documents show Timberlake and even refused to start the document confirming that decision. It is also reported that he told the officer he was unable to perform and follow the instructions given by him, while on the street after being pulled over..