While Justin Timberlake and his attorney have insisted that the pop star was not intoxicated when he was pulled over by police in the Hamptons, the report by the arresting officer describes a motorist who failed a series of sobriety tests and who had trouble speaking or staying steady on his feet. Timberlake, who pleaded not guilty last week to driving while intoxicated, was arrested on June 18 in the upscale community of Sag Harbor on Long Island. He had been hanging out with friends at the American Hotel, a popular Hamptons hotspot, where he allegedly was “wasted” and seen drinking, including downing another patron’s cocktail, the New York Post reported.

Rookie officer Michael Arkinson spotted Timberlake driving away from the hotel shortly after midnight and allegedly witnessed him blow through a stop sign and swerve into another lane, the Daily Mail reported. Arkinson’s handwritten notes appear to show that the officer followed procedure to determine that Timberlake displayed numerous signs of intoxication, reported the Daily Mail, which obtained a copy of the singer’s arrest report. For example, Timberlake was swaying on his feet and wasn’t able to stay balanced, the report The report stated Timberlake was alone in the car when Arkinson pulled him over and was observed to have “(b)loodshot and glassy eyes, odor of alcoholic beverage emanating from breath, inability to divide attention, unsteady afoot.

..” The officer quoted the singer as saying: “I had on.