f you're wondering about financial status in , let's just say he's doing more than fine. With an estimated sitting at around , the pop sensation has come a long way from his humble beginnings. His rise to fame might have started with , but his bank account reflects a decade-plus of chart-topping hits, , and .

A major highlight in Bieber's financial portfolio came early in when he made headlines by The deal, rumored to be worth a staggering , set a new bar for artists under 70 years old. That's a pretty sweet payday for someone who just turned 30, and it's a significant chunk of the wealth he's accumulated over the years. Despite this impressive windfall, the question on everyone's mind is whether .

While it doesn't seem likely at this point, , and who knows what future deals he might land. A decade ago, at just 16, his net worth was a modest -a number that's ballooned thanks to his relentless work ethic and business acumen. Speaking of income, have always been tied closely to his touring and album releases.

On an average year, he pulls in about . Of course, with the sale of his catalog, pushing his income even higher. This kind of consistent earning power explains why he's been able to maintain such a high despite spending lavishly on homes, cars, and, of course, taking care of his family.

So, It's a mix of dedicated fans, , and a keen understanding of the music business. Bieber's early years were spent hustling, with back-to-back albums and grueling tours that took a toll on.