Have you ever watched 2004’s , starring Halle Berry and Sharon Stone? I would totally understand if you haven’t. Having won a variety of Razzie Awards upon release, including Worst Picture and Worst Actress, it’s still touted as one of the worst superhero movies of all time—but I beg to differ. Two decades later, the campy action flick still remains a total guilty pleasure.

Only, there’s nothing really guilty about it at all; I’d argue it’s actually an unabashedly fun and stylish piece of cinema. And you can fight me on that. When debuted 20 years ago, it instantly received backlash—both for its weak plot points, and extra-sexy costuming.

The story revolves around Patience Phillips (Berry), a shy woman who inherits the speed and reflexes of a cat. She uses her special abilities to defeat evil cosmetics titan Laurel Hedare (Stone), who plans to release a new skin cream that’s actually dangerously addictive and toxic. Yes, the storytelling was a little farfetched.

“I always thought the idea of Catwoman saving women from a face cream felt a bit soft,” Berry recently told . “All the other superheroes save the world; they don’t just save women from cracked faces.” But do any of us watch superhero movies for the plot? The story, I’d argue, is truly secondary: You tune in more for the fight scenes, the delicious costumes, and the star power—and this 2000s flick truly had it all.

I mean, can we talk about Berry’s modernized Catwoman costume, which wa.