Hope Springs from Field PAC [ website ] volunteers had already settled into canvassing with Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket as the Harris campaign started to revv up their field operations . Following our own campaign plan, we stop canvassing in areas where the presidential (or senate) campaigns begin their canvassing in that area. That’s why we started with a Labor Day cut-off date, even though it is possible we will continue our own door knocking efforts if the Harris or Coordinated Campaigns don’t canvass in those areas.

So we are already ceding areas or turf to the official effort. And volunteers, as well. Which is why it is so amazing that our volunteer turnout is still growing.

Last Saturday didn’t see our highest vol turnout, but it was our second highest. Ever. On the 27th, we had 11,521 volunteers come out to canvass.

It was the first weekend with Harris as the presumptive nominee. Last Saturday, 11,442 volunteers turned up to knock on doors. 80 people less than our record high.

But we’ve now turned over 11 (out of 63) canvass areas to the Harris campaign (the moment they start canvassing in an area we’ve been doing, we ask volunteers to shift over there). So the plan is working. Early organizing lays the groundwork for a successful Fall.

We are still unable to walk in Phoenix and Las Vegas (due to the Heat Risk), and Las Vegas was still too hot. (We use the National Weather Service’s HeatRisk map as part of our calcula-tions about canvassing each .