The first week of canvassing after VP Harris got in the race was absolutely explosive. YUGE numbers, unprecedented since we started doing this. So the question became, what about last weeks (follow-up) numbers? There are a number of reasons why July 27th is likely to be our peak turnout.

Harris’ entry came that week, and the coordinated campaign’s weren’t exactly ready. They needed to print new lit, too! Most of the local offices i’ve been talking to weren’t expected to start knocking on doors before Labor Day. But Hope Springs from Field PAC [ website ] had already been knocking, so there was no change in our campaign plan .

Just a change in the candidate at the top of the ticket. On the prior Saturday, we had 11,521 volunteers come out to canvass. It was the first weekend with Harris as the presumptive nominee.

Last Saturday, 9,738 volunteers turned up to knock on doors. But we’ve now turned over nine canvass areas to the Harris campaign (the moment they start canvassing in an area we’ve been doing, we ask volunteers to shift over there). We think we probably had more volunteers in the areas we did canvass than the weekend prior.

We think. We weren’t able to walk in Arizona at all (due to the Heat Risk), and Las Vegas was still too hot. (We use the National Weather Service’s HeatRisk map as part of our calculations about canvassing each week.

) But, still, the momentum continues. The chart to the left shows the explosive growth we’ve been expecting this y.