Jack Alban Trending Just because something has a “luxury” brand name and costs a lot of money doesn’t mean it’s well made. In the world of , have argued that popular, chic names are The same could be said of auto manufacturers that charge a hefty premium. According to TikToker , a luxury brand once renowned for its quality has dipped—at least when it comes to its air conditioning system.

In a viral video that’s accrued over 820,000 views, he shows off a “cheap plastic” part under a Mercedes-Benz’s hood. The component, he states, does little to filter out debris from entering the vehicle’s air conditioning. “Yeah, get a Mercedes-Benz, they said,” the TikToker says at the beginning of his video.

He sits in the driver’s seat of the German car as he narrates his gripe with it. “Lady came in because her A/C is making a really weird noise.” Next, he begins toggling a button in the center dash, pressing it ‘up’ several times.

“It literally sounds like a lawn mower when we turn it up,” he continues. After increasing the force with which the air conditioner blows, the loud noise he’s referring to can be heard. In fact, it’s so loud that it seems as if there are components in the vehicle that are vibrating.

“The dealership wanted to charge hundreds just to check this out,” he states, pointing to the glovebox. Next, his clip transitions to him looking under the hood of the vehicle. He points to a collection of dead, dried leaves that have co.