You might think that you’re aye, OK. But what if you are not? That’s the kind of question everyone should ask themselves at least once a year, said medical practitioner Dr Jonathan Redelinghuys . Just because you don’t have a symptom doesn’t mean that something isn’t brewing somewhere.

Preventative healthcare and early diagnosis make a huge difference to wellness. “It’s easy to neglect our health until something goes wrong, said Dr Redelinghuys. “Many people think that if they feel fine, there’s no need to see a doctor, but in reality, a lot of serious conditions start silently, without any symptoms.

” Regular checkups provide an opportunity for healthcare practitioners to detect early signs of conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and even cancer. These conditions often develop gradually, and early detection can significantly improve treatment outcomes, Dr Redelinghuys said. “Even those who feel healthy should see their GP at least once a year for a comprehensive health check-up.

It’s about more than just treating illness; it’s about overall wellness, and the only person who is responsible for this, is you,” he noted. Check your vitals regularly First up is checking your vitals, and this should be a regular endeavour. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a silent killer and many times there are no symptoms until significant damage has been done.

“Regular blood pressure monitoring can help identify this condition early,” said Dr Redelin.