Seventy million Americans tuned in to watch the recent presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. The talking heads posed two burning questions prior to the debate: 1. Would Kamala Harris convey the impression that she is strong enough and smart enough to assume the immense responsibilities faced by any American President? 2.

Would Donald Trump be able to stay on message and not go off on one of his rambling, woe-is-me, life-ain’t-fair rants? The answers were clear: Yes, Harris appeared presidential, quite capable of taking on both the nation’s biggest challenges and the world’s most brutal dictators. In the process, she totally annihilated America’s own wannabe dictator, Donald J. Trump.

And Trump couldn’t resist going the tantrum route. Kamala got off to a fine start by walking right up to Trump and holding out her hand for a handshake. In her masterful performance, Harris got Trump to rant and thereby reveal his true self.

(NOTE: It’s not often one can put the words “true” and “Trump” in the same sentence.). True to form, there I go again, Trump later cited “polls” showing he won the debate, a total lie.

Let’s scratch beneath the hype to highlight some of Trump’s most hideous statements. He claimed he had nothing to do with the Jan. 6 insurrection — another lie.

Moreover, he referred to people who weren’t insurrectionists as “the other side.” Hey, Donald, the people who were there to protect the Capital and our nation’.