Monday, September 9, 2024 A recent study by Belvera Partners, a B2B travel tech public relations agency, reveals that only 15.6% of travel tech CEOs are female, highlighting the ongoing gender disparity in leadership positions across the sector. The study, based on the Belvera B2B Travel Tech Map and LinkedIn profiles, analyzed the gender representation in travel technology companies, shedding light on the persistent imbalance despite incremental progress.

The study showed slight growth from a previous analysis conducted in 2021, where only 12.4% of travel tech CEOs were female. Although this marks an improvement, the industry still faces significant challenges in achieving gender equality at the top leadership level.

The study covered over 400 companies across various sectors of the travel tech industry, including aviation tech, accommodation distribution tech, car rental tech, and in-destination experiences tech. The map also features lobby groups, journalists, and top personalities in the travel tech space. Among the verticals analyzed, lobby groups had the highest representation of female leaders at 36%, while the car rental tech sector performed the worst, with only 10% female leadership.

Despite these figures, the overall picture remains one of limited female participation in top roles. Roman Townsend, Managing Director of Belvera Partners, expressed concern over the findings, stating, “Bias can catch us all out..

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