“Love Next Door” stars Jung Hae In and Jung So Min teamed up for a photo shoot for Elle Korea magazine! In an interview that followed the shoot, the two actors were asked about their anticipation for the genre of their new drama. Jung So Min answered, “Since people haven’t seen Jung Hae In in a comedic role before, I think there’ll be anticipation for this new side of him. Although I have more experience in romantic comedies, I find myself relying a lot on Jung Hae In on set.

He also has a lot in common with his character Seung Hyo.” Jung Hae In commented, “It’s not that I’m aiming specifically for comedic acting, but rather that I just find the situations in the scenes to be funny. I don’t worry about them seeming cliché.

I want viewers to be able to relate to [the characters] through realistic and universal acting.” Regarding the charms of “Love Next Door,” Jung So Min revealed, “I’m finding a lot of comfort in filming this drama. Not only Seok Ryu and Seung Hyo, but each of the characters in the drama has their own story and overcomes challenges in their own way.

I hope viewers can find similarities to their own experiences and gain strength from watching it.” Jung Hae In also shared, “The family dynamics and the stories of each character are very heartwarming and somewhat healing. The atmosphere on set is also warm and considerate, so when the behind-the-scenes footage is released, people will likely see me laughing a lot.

” When asked.