Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan made his Bollywood debut with Maharaj , produced by Yash Raj Films. However, Junaid Khan on the other hand, is not just performing but also producing. In a recent interview, Junaid discussed Aamir Khan's "retirement phase" and how the superstar urged him to take over his production business, Aamir Khan Productions (AKP), and finance the next film Pritam Pyare.

Junaid Khan was to take over Aamir Khan’s production house; says, “Dad was going through this whole ‘I-am-retiring’ phase” In an interview with Times Of India, Junaid said that his experience on film sets, working behind the camera in PK and taking ad shots gave him a thorough idea of what production requires. After finishing the Maharaj shoot, Junaid claimed that he was shooting on a project with AKP when his father requested him to take over the production house. “Dad was going through this whole ‘I-am-retiring’ phase,” Junaid said.

At this point, Aamir Khan’s ex-wife Kiran Rao was working on Laapataa Ladies , also bankrolled by AKP. Junaid Khan took over the production house after Aamir Khan retired. He said, “Dad told me, ‘I am retiring, why don’t you take over.

’ So, that’s the phase when I stepped in.” Although Junaid admits to having “a decent understanding of production,” he finds it one of the toughest jobs in filmmaking. He added that neither Aamir or his mother, Reena Dutta, were "anxious" about his debut.

Junaid, on the other h.