Beloved Australian chef turned dancing extraordinaire Julie Goodwin strives to put herself outside her comfort zone. So when the opportunity for Dancing With The Stars arose, she jumped at it, despite “not being very co-ordinated”. WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE: Julie Goodwin talks Dancing With The Stars elimination.

Following her eviction on Sunday night after her “sexy” Foxtrot, the contestant is grateful for the “very dear friends” she has made and the lessons she has learned in self-belief. While the competition is already a major challenge, Goodwin injured herself just before the first performance, leaving her and dance partner Andrey Gorbunov “devastated”. Once again rising to the challenge, Goodwin “pleaded her case” with doctors and made her return to the show work.

“Some really wonderful things could happen,” she tells of pushing her comfort zone.

“I don’t say no to things just because I think they’re going to be scary. I kind of lean into that stuff. “Honestly, it’s where the most interesting things happen, and where you meet the best people.

” Goodwin says that she is not the dancing type, having “never been very co-ordinated”. “I went into it fully expecting to be, you know, the class clown.” Then she was partnered with Andrey, who was her “patient” teacher, walking her through all the routines across weeks of rehearsals.

While the dancing itself is a challenge, Goodwin says the biggest struggle for her was “ov.