If you ask any participant what their dream outcome of the reality show would be, chances are they’ll probably say they want to be ‘the next Jules and Cam’. Not only are Jules Robinson and Cam Merchant two of the most followed Australian reality stars on Instagram, but they’re also one of the experiment’s biggest success stories after tying the knot in 2019 and . Speaking with almost six years after they first met on the reality show, the pair reveal that they credit their success both during and after the experiment to something they each did before filming began - which most participants seemingly ignore.

“The reason why we feel it did go so well for us was because we did so much work on ourselves as individuals prior. So the universe was like, ‘Okay, now you're ready for it’,” Cam shares. “Our whole journey we had each other, we were on the same level, and we were able to discuss and support.

But even when we were by ourselves, we had that inner strength and that understanding of ourselves. So then when you come out, you come out even stronger.” “We're forever grateful for our experience,” Jules adds.

“It was tough, we both broke into tears in there, but we’re really grateful for such a fun, amazing experience that led to all this.” Cam asserts that if you don’t do any work on yourself before embarking on an experience as life-changing as , you can come out of it as “even more of a shell of a person than you might have been going in”. .