One of the most popular manga, Jujutsu Kaisen has officially confirmed the date of its finale chapter. The manga will conclude its story in the next five chapters. Written and illustrated by Gege Akutami, the manga released its first issue in the year 2018.

The manga was soon adapted into an anime series which also received adoration from fans. Also Read: Rick and Morty anime: Exact release date, where to watch and more Jujutsu Kaisen finale date announced Shonen Jump released a special Jump Press video on their official YouTube channel on Monday, August 19. The video revealed updates on various anime including Witch Watch anime, Hunter X Hunter manga and others.

However, the key announcement of the video was Jujutsu Kaisen's conclusion in five chapters. The final chapter of the manga will be Chapter 271 which will be included in issue 44 of the weekly Shonen magazine . The finale of the manga will be released on Monday, September 30, 2024.

The video also included Akutami’s comment on the announcement where he expressed gratitude towards fans for the constant support. He said, “The story will end in 5 chapters. I only got to tell the story I wanted thanks to the help and support of all my readers.

Thank youuu!! I am hard at work on creating a finale that will (probably) satisfy as many people as possible who have supported JUJUTSU KAISEN. So, everyone, please go easy on me!!” as reported by Crunchyroll. Also Read: New anime announced: Witch Watch slated for 2025 premier.