Rudy Giulian i’s never-ending bankruptcy case continues — and the former mayor may now may have to testify in court about the finances he’s been so cagey about. Earlier this month, Judge Sean Lane threw out the broke ex-mayor’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy case , but Giuliani and his creditors have not reached a resolution on the terms of the dismissal, as he’s refused to pay administrative expenses incurred during the case, despite it being a legal requirement for dismissal. While Giuliani’s lawyers have contended that he does not have the cash to pay the fees in question, a lawyer for two defamed election workers — who are owed $148 million by Giuliani — argued that she has no idea how much money Giuliani actually has because he hasn’t been “remotely forthcoming.

” On Thursday, Lane ordered the parties in the case to submit filings to “provide their views on the most appropriate path forward.” Those filings are due July 31. Since there is “no resolution on the horizon,” Lane wrote, he believes the “most obvious path forward is to initiate proceedings to assess the details of the Debtor’s current financial circumstances” in order to craft an order that ensures the administrative fees are paid.

The judge noted that this path “will inevitably include disclosure of documents and might include testimony under oath by the Debtor.” However, the judge took Giuliani’s history of not being transparent into account in his order. “Of course, this pat.