The Lost City Trek in Colombia is an adventure through the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta's dense jungle. Founded around 800 CE, Teyuna, as known by indigenous people, predates Machu Picchu by 650 years. This challenging trek reveals not just ancient ruins but also stunning natural landscapes, offering a unique glimpse into a civilization long gone and the breathtaking beauty of Colombia's wilderness.

Prepare for your adventure Before starting the Lost City Trek, it's vital to be ready. This includes having proper hiking boots, lightweight clothes, and a raincoat. Acclimatizing to the altitude and humidity is also key.

You must book your trek with a reputable tour operator, as going alone is not permitted. They provide guides familiar with the area's terrain and history. Embrace nature's majesty The trek spans over 44 kilometers round trip and takes you through some of Colombia's most stunning scenery.

You'll cross rivers, hike through lush forests filled with unique flora and fauna, and encounter indigenous communities along the way. Keep your camera ready for panoramic views and wildlife sightings including exotic birds and perhaps even monkeys in their natural habitat. Discover ancient ruins The journey's highlight is reaching Ciudad Perdida, or the Lost City.

This ancient site boasts over 169 terraces etched into the mountainside, alongside stone pathways and several circular plazas. A visit here offers a deep dive into the sophisticated engineering and social structures of.