When I first met her, I was young. She had a beautiful face and a soft-spoken demeanor. It seemed like everyone adored her, and I was no exception.

As the years passed, our paths crossed again, and she allowed me to be in a place many people only dream of. She trusted me to lead, but I stumbled at first. My shortcomings brought me a great deal of misery.

So, when another chance came, I poured everything into it — I focused intensely on what was expected of me. But then, she abruptly ended it, offering positive reasons I knew were not entirely true. It hurt deeply.

I questioned God — if letting me go was meant to lead to a brighter future, as she claimed, why did it have to happen so suddenly? The pain was overwhelming. Yet, despite my hurt and the mistrust in my heart, I stayed loyal to her – ambivalent feelings. I pretended to others that she had not caused me pain.
