Sep 13, 2024 at 1:00pm ~ Oct 12, 2024 at 8:00pm Art Gallery KEN NAKAHASHI presents Jörgen Axelvall’s solo exhibition Most likely, the flames will destroy themselves (「火は火みずからを滅ぼすだろう」), from Friday September 13 to Saturday October 12, 2024. Axelvall is widely recognized for his series of Polaroid photographs, often featuring friends and flowers, with a tranquil sense of time and serene solitude permeating his work. His preferred medium, peel-apart Polaroid film, is notable for the way temperature, humidity, and the force used when peeling the film can subtly influence the final image.

After scanning the Polaroid, Axelvall examines the image in minute detail and enlarges it significantly. This process reveals the film’s fine grains and noise, which blur the contours and soften the overall image. The hazy contours of the figures that emerge from the gradients of color, symbolizing a blend of emotions, evoke a sense of silence, introspection, and a connection to the deeper layers of human emotional landscape.

For the first time, Axelvall prints his works on traditional washi paper, mounting them on wooden panels. This method enhances the softness and warmth inherent in washi paper, bringing a quiet presence to the blurred outlines and soft tones characteristic of his work. Born in Sweden in 1972, Jörgen Axelvall spent 15 years working in New York before relocating to Tokyo in 2011.

In 2013, he won the International Winner prize for.