Tuesday, August 27, 2024 Jordan’s tourism sector saw remarkable expansion in the first half of 2024, as detailed in the mid-year update of the Economic Modernization Vision’s executive program. The country attracted 2.79 million visitors, generating JD2.

33 billion in tourism revenue. According to the report, the sector employed 54,000 individuals by the close of the first quarter. Moreover, 138,000 passengers arrived in Jordan via both low-cost and regular flights, with a total of 993 flights bringing tourists to the Kingdom.

During this period, 59,000 unified tickets were sold. Significant progress was made in developing key archaeological and tourist sites, including the Citadel Mountain project, which is now 55% complete. Preparations are also advancing for finalizing studies and designs for the Jerash archaeological site.

Efforts to strengthen connectivity with target markets were also highlighted. By mid-year, approximately 123,000 passengers arrived through contracted low-cost airlines from 18 destinations. United Airlines alone brought 15,000 passengers from Washington to Amman, while a charter flight from Slovakia to Aqaba carried 111 passengers in June.

New agreements with Jazeera Airways and Ethiopian Airlines will further enhance connectivity, linking Jordan with Kuwait and Addis Ababa. Heritage preservation and development initiatives are also progressing. The Falah Al-Hamad Heritage House in As-Salt has been fully restored, and ongoing maintenance is being con.