Jones The extremist branch of the Idaho Republican Party is in an absolute panic about the Open Primaries Initiative, which will give every Idaho voter the right to choose our elected officials. Mike Moyle, the speaker of the House of Representatives, has come out with a laundry list of supposed horribles that will result if the OPI depletes his legislative cadre of culture warriors who have turned Idaho into a national laughingstock. Dorothy Moon, who wants absolute control over who gets elected to public office in Idaho, is forging ahead with her own misinformation campaign.

The GOP extremist have even been so brazen as to try to steal Idaho’s Great Seal. Moon’s effort includes a disgusting billboard that combines the Great Seal of the State of Idaho with a naughty wordplay on fornication — “Don’t Californicate Idaho’s Elections.” Idaho’s Great Seal is right next to that deceptive and sexualized wording — a great insult to the Gem State and its people.

Being a self-proclaimed protector of the moral fiber of Idaho children, I wonder how Moon thinks parents will explain the meaning of the sex-act word to their children. The sanctimonious GOP hardliners would be outraged to see “fornicate” in library books. Public billboards are apparently fair game.

Moon’s misuse of the Great Seal is not only tasteless, but it is counter to Idaho’s public policy against using the Great Seal for personal gain. Section 18-3603 of the Idaho Code makes it a criminal offe.