Jones Political fearmonger Greg Pruett has been trying to scare voters away from the Open Primaries Initiative with the preposterous claim that it will bring gun control to Idaho. Pruett makes a living by frightening voters with fake threats to gun rights for the purpose of electing extremists to public office. It is also his personal meal ticket.

Pruett, who operates a variety of propaganda outlets (all of which have “donate” buttons), admits the OPI is not a direct threat to gun rights. He claims it’s an indirect threat because it will “make Idaho more like California.” What Pruett is really concerned about is the fact that the OPI will break the stranglehold that his extremist allies have over who gets elected to public office.

He is an integral part of an unsavory alliance — the extremist branch of the Republican Party, currently ruled by Dorothy Moon, and the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF), which is funded with out-of-state dark money —that has turned Idaho into a culture war battlefield. The alliance supports extremist candidates and uses scorched-earth campaigns to defeat traditional, reasonable Republicans in the low-turnout closed GOP primary. Pruett’s job is to frighten voters into supporting extremist candidates by making false gun control claims against their opponents.

Gun owners should take Pruett’s outlandish claims with a large grain of salt. The Idaho Constitution contains a strong prohibition against gun controls. Article 1, Section 11, pro.