We've always known Johnathan Scott to be pretty even-keeled, but when he sees someone painting over a socket plate, he might get a little grumpy. The TV personality posted a video about the painting mistake with the caption 'Please don’t be this lazy guys.' In the clip, a person uses a brush to paint over a wall plate over two plugs.

The video then switches to a video of Scott. He says to the camera, 'No that is one of my biggest pet peeves, you do not just paint right over plates, whether it's a switch or a receptacle, does not happen. Take the plates off.

He continues, 'Do not just roller brush right over, that's just...

no.' For those who are also just learning how to paint , this might come as a surprise. What's so bad about a little bit of paint on a plate? According to the experts, a lot.

A post shared by Jonathan Silver Scott (@jonathanscott) A photo posted by on First, in rare cases, painting over a plate can be a safety concern. Jennifer Ebert, digital editor and design expert at Homes & Gardens , says: 'If you paint over the plate including the electrical outlets, it can allow paint to seep into the outlets and behind the plate. If this wet paint gets into the wiring behind, it can cause electrical shocks and faults.

Unless you have a very steady hand, this is difficult to avoid, especially if using a large brush like shown in the video.' It's much easier to take off plates and replace them than rewiring a house . Aside from the potential grave dangers, this techni.