Bollywood actor John Abraham recently opened up about the strong bond he shares with his Pathaan co-star Shah Rukh Khan, revealing a heartwarming story. In a candid conversation on the TV chat show Aapka Apna Zakir, John recounted how Shah Rukh Khan surprised him with an unexpected gift following the success of their blockbuster film. John Abraham reveals Shah Rukh Khan gifted him a bike after Pathaan’s blockbuster success: “Main khush ho ke gaya ghar” John shared that after Pathaan’s release, Shah Rukh invited him to a success party to celebrate the film’s stellar opening.

“Shah Rukh was like, ‘Come on John, let’s party! Apni picture chal rahi hai. Acha opening mila hai.’” John, however, was more inclined to catch up on his sleep than join in the revelry.

“Maine bola nahi mujhe sona hai. ‘Kya, sona hai?’ ‘Han, mujhe sona hai.’” Amused by John’s response, Shah Rukh asked what he wanted instead, and John playfully replied, “Ek motorcycle de do bas.

” To his surprise, Shah Rukh gifted him a motorcycle. “Main khush ho ke gaya ghar,” John said with a smile, recalling how he happily went home with his new bike. This isn’t the first time John has spoken fondly of Shah Rukh Khan.

In a previous appearance on The Ranveer Show, John reminisced about working with the superstar on Pathaan . He revealed that both actors were together when they received the news that the film had become a massive hit on its first day. “We were there, we saw the .